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Showing 31 – 32 of 32 titles
  • Angela Hanks


    Thalia wants to build a farmhouse in the middle of the great big city. Mabel is on a quest to become its first female preacher (although her rampant sexual thoughts are having a real impact on her sermonizing)... [read more]

    Production Info

    Cast: 7 total (4 female, 3 male)
    Full Length Dark Comedy (about 120 minutes)
    Minimal Set Requirements
    Period Costumes
  • Carl Sternheim, translated from the German by Laurence Senelick


    When the opportunity arises for lowly musician Paul Schippel to rise in the ranks of society, he takes it... [read more]

    Production Info

    Cast: 8 total (2 female, 6 male, doubling possible)
    Full Length Comedy (about 100 minutes)
    Minimal Set Requirements
    Period Costumes