15th Century

Showing 1 – 2 of 2 titles
  • Fernando de Rojas, translated by Jo Clifford


    Celestina, madam of the local brothel, is commissioned by a nobleman to help him seduce a beautiful young woman... [read more]

    Production Info

    Cast: 10 total (5 female, 5 male)
    Full Length Drama (about 150 minutes)
    Minimal Set Requirements
    Period Costumes
  • Richard Nelson


    On the deck of his flagship, the expedition commander addresses his men, his voice rising in stirring peroration: "Let us all be new men! Born today! This minute! And with only one purpose in mind! To push forward to triumph! To push forward — to Japan!" That Columbus had a clearer sense of destiny than destination is, even without the facile irony of hindsight, emblematic of the confusion of motives and expectations that inspired him and his companions to undertake their epoch-making voyage... [read more]

    Production Info

    Cast: 18 total (2 female, 16 male)
    Full Length Drama (about 210 minutes)
    Minimal Set Requirements
    Period Costumes