
Showing 16 – 17 of 17 titles
  • Naomi Wallace


    High atop a railroad trestle that spans a bone dry creek, two teenagers plan to race across the bridge against an oncoming locomotive... [read more]

    Production Info

    Cast: 5 total (2 female, 3 male)
    Full Length Drama (about 110 minutes)
    Single Set
    Period Costumes
  • Federico García Lorca, translated by Jo Clifford


    The tale of an impassioned childless woman living with her husband in rural Spain. Tortured by her incessant longing to conceive a child, she is driven by madness to commit a heinous crime.

    Production Info

    Cast: 8 total (6 female, 2 male, 6 women in a chorus)
    Full Length Drama (about 100 minutes)
    Minimal Set Requirements
    Contemporary Costumes